TERRA 2013

performance în 9 tablouri

Cu Diana Buluga

Concept: Cristian Pascariu și Diana Buluga

Suport vizual: Crina Prida

Design costum: Călina Langa

Scenografie sonoră: Electron Labs

Concepție grafică: TD STUDIO.

Nine stories about women all over the world, that made press headlines in 2013; nine conceptual interpretation by actress Diana Buluga, in a one-woman show.

Pakistan, Adolescente ucise pentru că au dansat în ploaie

A video clip showing two girls dancing in the rain outrages the local community. The fury generated by breaking religious rules culminates when the two girls and their mother are killed by a group of five men, in an attempt to mend the honor of the family they belonged to.


Ucraina, Cocktail Molotov, baricade, revoluție

What goes on in the soul of a policewoman forced to fight against her people, just because this is her job? Street fighting goes on in Kiev, policemen are continuously attacked by protesters with artisan weaponry and Molotov cocktails.


Rusia, Membră Pussy Riot dispărută

Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, member of the punk-rock band Pussy Riot, is sentenced to two years of prison, on grounds of hooliganism and religious hatred. Just a couple of months before her release, she is transferred to Siberia, as retribution for her hunger strike. Her family loses contact with her, while she is missing for a number of weeks.


India, Viol în grup: tradiția spune că victima e de vină

A 22-year-old photo-journalist woman was gang-raped by five men in Mumbai. Official statistics indicate that a rape occurs in India every 18 hours. According to Indian traditions, a rape victim is responsible for what happened to her and is ostracized.


Polonia, Îngerul Morții: O vizită în trecut

Olga, a Jewish woman, returns to Auschwitz and reminisces of the nightmare she had been going through. She recalls the way her family had been killed and the terror she had been submitted to.


SUA, Un mod inedit de a se pregăti pentru operație

Just before her double mastectomy intervention, Deborah Cohan dances in the surgery room along with the surgeons and the nurses, in a unique way of celebrating life.


Coreea de Nord, Viața de cealaltă parte a graniței

Hyeonseo Lee fled North Korea in 1997. She first witnessed a public execution when she was only 7 years old. Currently, she lives in South Korea and helps North Korean refugees. In 2013, she presented her story on the TED scene.


SUA, Cea mai urâtă femeie din lume: Un suflet frumos

Lizzie Velasquez suffers from a rare disease, which prevents her from gaining weight, and which was conducive to her losing sight of her right eye. She had been called “the ugliest woman in the World”. Despite all her problems, she became a motivational speaker, redefining the concept of Beauty.


Siria, O încălcare a drepturilor omului

A Romanian woman, married for 15 years to a Syrian man, escapes from Syria just before the war breaks out in the town she was living in. She succeeds in fleeing the country with her three children, while her husband is forced to remain there.

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